How to Play Small Connecting Cards Pre-Flop

There are a lot of theories about how to play small connecting cards pre-flop, whether it be from the SB or BB.

Today I am going to show you exactly how to do it.

Small Connecting Cards Pre-Flop is between the SB and BB, and consists of a combination of pairs of 2 distinct cards. Some examples could be 2-7, 6-2, 5-9, etc.

Though, I am not sure exactly which hand examples breathe easier than others. The real point is that the range of hands is incredibly wide, and no matter what two cards you put in, there is a likely way that they can be linked together.

Small Connecting Cards Pre-Flop Example


The first set of cards in this example are the SB and the BB. SB means that they have the best possible hand for this particular game. BB means that they will be the last to act.

They may or may not have different values, but SB is generally the best you can get before the BB, and provides the easiest opportunity to build a pot.

Secondly, the 4s-4h are the hole cards. Pre-flop, there are a possibility of a big and a small blind, so the range of hands for this particular combination of cards is very wide. It could be both players, it could be a raise and a fold, it could even be a raise and a call.

Because of the possible combinations, and the fact that this is aStrategyFull of Aggressive Players, theundaunted power of small connecting cards, two of eights, twos, threes, fours and fives is very much imaginable.

Theocolumbo explained how to play small connecting cards in this way:

Now, thinking in terms of a small Connecting Card Group (SCG), the cards between 75-82 are the ones that fall into this SCG. Between 83-90, you have the cards SCG 1 and 2.

In conclusion, the strength of small cards in texas hold’em is that they add variation,luck and deception to your game.

The cards between 46 and 60 are believe to be the hands with the highest possibility of being beaten. They also have the fewest number of variants. Thus, in the opinion of the author, they are not as strong as the cards in the middle section.

If you want to go deeper into the explanation, take a look at the tables below.

Invinetime Management

From the middle section, the cards fall into the following SCG’s:

In the beginning, the cards are volatile, in that the majority of hands are won or lost within the first few hands. This is fairly common knowledge, everyone already knows what to do with the cards in their hand.

The blinds starting at 10/20 leave lots of space for curious and ambitious players in the middle section.

The cards that fall in the middle section, between 25 and pretty much 100, are the cards that we really want to be playing as they are the ones that most of the pots are being played.

Variation in the cards ranges from bricks to flushes, and of course, four of a kind.

This is one of the reasons why half the time, the cards do not even make any sense. Imagine a five of a kind in your hand, how many ways can you think that you could have got that hand? There are only three, so if you had them in your hand, there are 51 even numbers that you could choose, and you have one in three chances.

So the odds of winning a pot with a hand are about 5%. The percentage of winning a pot with two cards in the middle section of the deck, say 10, J, Q, K, Ace is about 2.5%.

So my bottom line advice for the beginner that they will find this information useful, but they should also know that there is a lot of variations of the game, and the odds of winning a pot with a given hand are rarely even.